Terms & Conditions

Walking Mall Poetry involved getting handcrafted on-the-spot poems from Joseph, often written within minutes spontaneously.  This action is bound by copyright, busking and artistic law.

By participating in Walking Mall Poetry, including offering a topic and requesting a poem, you agree to not hold Joseph responsible for both the content of the poem and any incidents resulting from the receiving of the poem.  You agree and understand that Joseph is neither a therapist nor a medical specialist, and he is not professionally trained to address life issues and challenges you bring to him in poetry. You agree that the poems are written and crafted in good faith with the intention to provide meaningful art, and any ill-will perceived in the written words or style is unintentional.  Walking Mall Poetry is a dynamic form of art with little control and intangible intuition, and is unpredictable in nature, and you agree that you understand this and will not hold Joseph liable for any negative consequences resulting from poems.

Any photography and videography captured of Joseph performing of the Walking Mall Poet is able to be used as Creative Commons Non-commercial usage, with giving proper credit of the performer as the “Walking Mall Poet” or “Joseph M. Jablonski.”

The language, e.g. order of the words on the page, specific phrases and sentences, remain the copyright intellectual property of the author, Joseph M. Jablonski.  You (as the recipient) can use and quote those words in promotional material and in Creative Commons Non-commercial usage without restriction.  Any material created that is inspired by the intellectual property of the poems, which includes fragments of the poem but not the whole poem, can be considered valid with permission.  Joseph may give written or verbal permission for commercial use of all or any of the poem.  If written, Joseph will specify the monetary compensation for commercial usage; otherwise, if verbal, there will be no monetary compensation unless Joseph requests it at a later date, from hence on the written agreement will need to apply, but not before issuing the agreement.  The copyright capture of the words usually occurs in a picture taken after production by Joseph Jablonski or his wife at events.

The poem, physical piece of artwork that is typewriter ink on paper, is the property of both the author and recipients, or specified gifted recipients in the signature of each piece.  The best way to verify it is a genuine poem from the Walking Mall Poet usually involves one of several elements, listed as follows: 1) Typewritten signature on the left side with brand handle (“walkingmallpoet”) and printed name (“Joseph M. Jablonski”) underneath, 2) signature on right hand side with written date of poem, and/or 3) Logo imprinted on the paper.  Additionally, most poems are captured by smartphone photo by Joseph.  Joseph M. Jablonski retains the right to use all poems and art unless by written request the poemee wishes for the poem to be private.  Any stories shared verbally or in text to Joseph in the process of creating commissions or on-the-spot poetry are able to be shared publicly, unless expressly written in any printed or electronic form by the owner of the story.  The owner always reserves the right to “anonymize” such stories, and often Joseph will endeavor to anonymize such stories with no names mentioned or initials used. 

Any use of any hand-typed artistic piece after release by the author, including but not limited to political campaigns, business development, or advertising, are not an endorsement by Walking Mall Poet, unless otherwise stated in writing by The Walking Mall Poet.